I have been listening to several podcast from Brene Brown while out walking. We are all at a point of collective exhaustion due to the anxiety we are feeling because of the pandemic. She gives a lot of good advice and perspective on how to deal with the anxiety and stress that we are feeling. Based on programmed conditioning throughout our lives, we respond to these situations either by OVERFUNCTIONING or UNDERFUNCTIONING.
OVERFUCTIONING IS PERCEIVED as bossy, micromanaging, giving advice, always in motion, taking charge.
UNDERFUNCTIONING IS PERCEIVED as less competent, fragile, needy, unreliable, flakey.
It is not who we are. Neither response is right, wrong, good or bad. It is important that we see where we are on the spectrum and know that we can manage this response. Both are forms of armor to get out from under fear and uncertainty.
Anxiety is more contagious than this virus. You can infect others or be the cure
When we are under stress we produce adrenaline which is appropriate in the short term but can be harmful to us and those around us in the long term. We need to get past stress and practice calm. Brene uses the analogy of young children playing soccer. When a ball is kicked to them, whether on the ground or above their shoulders, there response is to immediately kick it forward without looking to see where it is going. They run up and down the field pretty much as a herd without direction. By SETTLING THE BALL the experienced player, stops the inertia to give time to read the field, position the ball and then be strategic as to where they want the ball to go. It is more effective and less exhausting. That is what we need to do. We need to go from stress and anxiety to the practice of calm. We all need to settle the ball.Continue Reading