Finally there are some programs that will help homeowners who have experienced TEMPORARY hardships stay in their homes. After years of short sales and foreclosures someone has finally figured out that many of these situations were temporary with homeowners losing jobs and eventually finding new employment but never being able to get caught up on past due mortgage bills. I had always thought that there should be a forbearance program much like with student loans but that never came to pass. A Realtors job is NOT just to sell homes but also to help people STAY in their homes.
One such program is the BlueHub SUN program, now available in CT. This is for homes already in foreclosure. Aura Mortgage Advisors buys the home at the foreclosure price and then immediately sells it back to the original owner at the reduced amount of the foreclosure sale. This way the principal owed and the monthly payments are automatically reduced. The owner must have steady employment and demonstrate a commitment to keep current on their mortgage payments. You can call them at 855-604-HOME for information and to complete the inquiry form.Continue Reading